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Berenike: A Gateway of Trade and Cultural Exchange between Rome and India

By Adam R. Hemmings

January 16, 2024

Nestled on the Red Sea coast, Berenike, an ancient Roman harbor in Egypt, has recently unveiled fascinating insights into its crucial role in connecting the Roman Empire with India. Led by Rodney Ast from the University of Heidelberg, a collaborative team that included American and Polish researchers unearthed evidence of a significant trade route at this historical site.

Berenike served as a vital hub for trade between Rome and India. Ships arriving from India would dock there, carrying valuable goods such as pepper and semi-precious stones. These items were then loaded onto camels, traversing the desert to reach the Nile. From there, other ships transported the merchandise to Alexandria and various parts of the Roman Empire.

One remarkable discovery at Berenike is a marble statue of Buddha found in the main early Roman temple dedicated to the goddess Isis (see photograph above). This statue reflects the influence of Buddhism in Egypt, with its depiction of Buddha standing and holding part of his clothing in his left hand, accompanied by a radiant disc around his head. Believed to be a gift from affluent Indian merchants, the statue underscores cultural exchanges through trade.

Archaeologists also uncovered a Sanskrit inscription at the site dating back to the rule of Roman Emperor Philip the Arab. Although not aligning with the age of the Buddha statue, it suggests a complex history at the site. Additionally, the temple yielded Greek inscriptions spanning from the early first century CE to 305 CE, along with coins from the 2nd century CE linked to the Indian Satavahana Dynasty. Crafted from stone originating south of present-day Istanbul, the Buddha statue itself serves as a testament to the vibrant cultural exchange facilitated by bustling ancient trade routes.